Valentine’s Day is pretty much around the corner now, and some may just see it as a romantic day for “two” that we forget what it truly is about… celebrating LOVE. We often get caught up in our lives that we don’t pay attention to those little things, and we might forget to celebrate the love we have in our lives as a family. This is a perfect chance to take that “time out” this weekend (even if it means no distractions from social media with some fun board games in pj’s all day) to embrace love around the house. Once becoming a mom, I realized the time you spend together is all that matters. Those are the memories that will be treasured and remain in our hearts forever!
Mama to little ones tip – have your little guy or gal express their feelings by writing an emotions book together. This is a perfect way to spend time together and have your children explain their emotions and feelings. Check out a free template at:
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Lolli and Confetti